Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Tribute to Chewie

When a dog comes into your life, you have a special opportunity to form a relationship that is unlike any other. A dog doesn't care how much money you make or what kind of car you drive, they aren't concerned with what team you pull for or what's going on in the realm of social media - all they care about is that you're there and that you're a part of their life. It could be accurately said, then, that the dog isn't so much an animal as they are a beloved member of your family. And so it is that when the time comes that the fur around their nose turns grey, their legs don't quite have the same pep they once did, and their little light begins to fade becomes one of the most painful moments imaginable. You realize then that the time you've had with them was a gift, one that won't last nearly long enough.

Words cannot express how sad I am right now as I'm writing this. On November 25, 2014, I lost the closest thing I've ever had to an honest to God brother.

My Mom's dog, Chewie, has crossed the rainbow bridge.

My heart hurts.

I miss my friend...

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